The savage becomes human
I don’t know how, but one day I woke up and I wasn’t normal. I had become a beast, a savage beast. I looked at my face in the mirror and the extra protruding bones in the face with four cheekbones scared me shitless.
Shocked in disbelief I cleared my eyes and washed my face, but the ugliness remained. I had a brief look in the mirror, and lost myself in the beastly eyes, my eyes, glistening with a newly formed teardrop. I look away and sit hoping it was a scary dream. After hours upon hours of awakedness, I decided to go out to the world.
Adults gave me looks and covered their children’s faces so they wouldn’t see me.
It was difficult recalling my manners and social etiquette as if I was turning away from human and into a beast. But I couldn’t let it happen. I had to do something about it.
This is when I started meeting the magicians who practiced the dark arts. I met several magicians, many fake ones before I came across the elder magician, with many wrinkles, and bloody dark eyes, he told me, the beast becomes human when it sees the human emotion.
You would think I would know better, but having lost my rational abilities to the beast, I set on to scare the children. For that I knew would show me the emotion I need to see.
I scared one child that day, I came across a mother who hid her child’s face. I forced his mother’s hand away from his eyes. And the child screamed at my face. His eyes were filled with fear and curves from the shock.
I lived in that moment for three days. I would go to sleep and the only thing I would remember was the curves on the child’s face that formed from all the screams. It made me a little less savage and a little more human, but little did I know that I would go on scaring children to gain this kick. After the 900th kid, I had become human.
So that is why they say, the savage becomes human by scaring the children.
I wonder sometimes, sitting in my cubicle while operating my office computer, would it be that all those children would grow up to become savages at one point in their life as I had become. Because I too was scared by a savage in my childhood.
- By Tasaduq